Sunday 27 May 2007

Entry No. 19 - The complexity one never sees.

Well it has been a long while indeed since i last posted. I can't say i've been too busy, just too lazy. I spend all my hours after school lepak-ing. Now how cool is that?

Well, the last post was about this book i got, OUT. In a nutshell, it wasn't really as exciting as i thought it would have been but still an OK read. Reading it got me thinking of the lengths people would go to just to conceal something. Hide their dirty laundry, you could say. Funny, the things people would do to save their skin. What is even more interesting is WHY people go to such lengths to hide something. What compels them to do the morbid things they do. Why chop someone up? Exactly what is going on in their screwed-up little heads? Do they see things differently? Intrepret the most innocuous of things as a death threat?


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