Tuesday 18 September 2007

Sheer boredom.

Metric -Poster of a Girl

Can't stand by myself
Hate to sleep alone
Surprises always help
So I take somebody home
To find out how I feel
Feel like just a baby
Portrait of a lady
Poster of a girl
Satisfy myself
Avoid beginners
Who long to shut my mouth
Till I take one of them home
'Cause I know how it feels
Filling in the blanks
Looking on the bright side
When there is no bright side
Coming in your pants
For the off chance
With a poster of a girl

(Emphasis mine, haha)

Brilliant song, great lyrics.

Sunday 16 September 2007

Languidly watching smoke curl is the addiction.

The time is 4:29am and i'm still awake, goddamn it. I have a compy in like 7 hours time and i still can't fall asleep. I'm not even sleepy. I'm a true blue insomniac. Everytime the holidays come around, my sleep patterns automatically reverse, and i start sleeping at ungodly hours. Like 5 am. And waking up at 5pm(!). What kind of normal human has this kind of sleep pattern? I have no life!

Feeling rather uninspired of late. Lazy to train, lazy to do anything much as a matter of fact. All i want to do is FAG. It hasn't been easy, i tell you. I was so tempted to go get a pack of Dunhill. I can almost taste the smoke as i type. This isn't helping a single bit, if i'm gonna want to quit. But i read somewhere that 90% of smokers start smoking again after they quit. As in, they're unsuccessful at quitting.


Now please be reminded that i'm not exactly a pious man. The above line is strictly for comic value although i'm starting to think that it does not possess any. :)


Saturday 15 September 2007

Damn the fags.

You Are Creepy

Serial killers would run away from you in a flash.
Just because i'm creepy, doesn't mean i'm fierce. I think the truly scary people are the ones that pent every emotion they have up, and let it out all at once. Like those people that go on shooting sprees and end up killing themselves. I would love to know what goes on in the mind of these.... special people.
Today has been a rather boring day. Woke up at around 4.30 to a rumbling tummy. Almost ate some bread, until i remembered that i'm fasting. Pretty much feel like crap now. Training was damn tiring, even more so with a rather sore throat and the lack of fags. Haven't been fagging for 3 days, and the body isn't really handling it well. I shall persevere though.
I think donuts/doughnuts (?) are damn over rated. Why are people raving over donuts when they really aren't that good. Donuts are the new bubbletea. A fad, that's gonna fizzle out in no time.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Mummy, it's back.

For some reason unknown to even myself, the goddamn blogging bug is back. This is not good. Now i'll start wasting my time blogging when i can be doing other much more productive things, such as downloading shit off limewire. ( no, i don't really do that ;) )

Now, i'm feeling rather depressed. Seems like the damn coach is not happy with me. So much so that he's gonna stop training me if i don't quit smoking and improve my stamina. Damn it to hell man. Thank god (?) the fasting month is around the corner. This means i have a reason NOT to smoke. Wah, but seriously man, i'm kinda scared.What if he really decides to stop training me? What next? Quit fencing? Sounds good to me . Then i can do much more productive things, ie. smoke, drink and club! Brilliant.

WOW WEEEEE I LOVE MY COACH TO BITS. Literally. Grrrr stupid romanian.

On a much lighter note, the new iPod is out. Ladies and germs, i give you, drumroll please, THE iPOD TOUCH.

1, 2, 3... ORGASM!

Ahhhhhhh, visual orgasms are the best. I think i feel one more coming. HAHA did you get the pun?

I want one of these beauties. Birthday is on 2nd november. Thank you.

Tuesday 11 September 2007


Well it has been awhile since i last blog. Can't seem to find the inspiration OR time. Holidays have come and almost gone. Just a few days left before hell resumes. I mean school. PBL sucks balls. Should have gone to NP when they offerd me BioMed. Damn it to hell, though i shouldn't cry over spilt milk. Anihoo, the new class roster is out. At first glance, looks like there a lots of girls. I hope hot ones!

One thing worth noting (okay, maybe not), is how my malay has deproved significantly, although it never really was top notch. I can't even order a Mee Goreng without stuttering like a fool.

'Uh cik, uh.. satu.. satu mee goreng.. uh.. satu mee goreng seafood'. 'Takeaway eh cik'.

Great job harshan. *proceeds to fuck own's ass*