Wednesday 31 January 2007

Entry No. 15 - The life of someone with no life. :)

I have no idea what to blog about today. So, i will just ramble on about what i did today.

Woke up at 1. Had to reach school by 2 to pass my cca records to form-teacher. What a waste of time. Couldn't find her. Wasted half an hour looking for her. That done, i headed to the canteen to eat canteen food. Oh how i've missed that. Then i went to Jurong Point to look for my new iPod case. Unfortunately they didn't have the one i fancied. Wanted to go home but decided to head to Vivo to look for books.

Long story short, i took 30, got to vivo, spent about an hour and a half in PageOne, bought Carls Jr. and went home. Haha damn interesting right. Thus concludes a day on a life of a recluse. Haha how wrongly that word is used. Anyone wanno join me next time? Call me to make reservations. HAHAHA.

OK lame i know. Sian ah tmr still need to go out. Damn tired...but i want to talk to XXX. Not online yet eh... Sian i sleep first lah. Dun think XXX wants to talk to me too. :(



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