Wednesday 24 January 2007

Entry No. 9 - Blank.

Life lately has not been very good. My mind's in turmoil. So many thoughts, such little space. Which explains why i'm here. I wonder why feelings i used to experience, and detested, are coming back. Must have been what 'it' over the phone. Whether the truth or the oppsite, it had it's desired effect, i am guessing. My guard has been lowered and the damage has been done. I will definitely be feeling the repercussions soon. Indeed it happened a few hours before this entry was produced. I somehow procured knowledge from none other than 'it'. I'm not going to reveal this bit of information but know that it caused a certain feeling, a certain twang from my heart, that i rarely feel nowadays. My entry may not make much sense to you, but hey. it's my blog. :)

Why do these feelings have to return at this juncture. It makes me lose my concentration. I think about 'it' every single of my waking hours and when i'm not awake, i dream about 'it'. Terrific lah, just terrific. At the moment i have no one to talk to about what i'm feeling which is precisely why i'm blogging. Tommorrow however, in fact in a few hours time, i will be meeting up with a couple of buddies to shoot some pool and most probably we will be meeting up with another good friend of ours, (name withheld).

You have no idea how i feel.
An integral part of my life missing.
Don't bother your self with any of this.

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