Thursday 11 January 2007

Entry No. 6 - Gotta catch 'em all.

So i went out today to play pool with faliq. Turned out to be a talk about girls and how to handle them. The main focus was losing them. Hmm indeed they are problematic, but once you get used to them, they seem to be a part of life. Losing them comes as a shock to the system. A feeling of despair seems to surround you. After a little while, a new feeling comes to surface. As though a burden has been lifted off your back. Freedom. Ahh this feeling is good my friends. Ecstasy i tell you. Especially if it was a troubled partnership. So go ahead, shed those tears. They aid in the process of grieving. HAHA i'm not making much sense am i? Okay, side track abit.. I just realised the way i've been typing is quite monotonous. No much paragraphing and such. Aiyah can't be bothered. Okay, so back to pool. Yes, i beat faliq 4 games to 3. HAHA played better than before.

Come Edwin I challenge you! Wah like pokemon.

Somehow i still feel empty.

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